Peregrine Falcon

Nesting Tray

and WebCam

Following generous donations from Romsey & District Society and Romsey Town Council, a nesting tray and Live Streaming Camera have been installed on the Tower Roof.

Communicate with the peregrines by emailing

We will check the emails regularly but please do not expect speedy replies from the peregrines,

they will be very busy, particularly if they are successful in laying eggs and rearing chicks.









Jason & Alan on the install day









The finished tray









The tray from above


The location for the tray and camera is due to a pair of Peregrine Falcons

using the site during the spring / summer of 2024.


The pair can still be seen around the Abbey. This is a good sign that they are

committed to eachother and we are hopeful for sucessful hatching in 2025.



The Tray was built by Jason from Dorset based WildlifeWindows.

Jason also installed the tray and set up the web camera

which will provide a 24/7 feed from the nesting site.


For more information, take a look at the RSPB website page on Peregrine Falcon
Falco peregrinus - Group: falcons - UK Conservation status: - Green

RSPB Peregrine Falcon Web Page

                   Female 21 Jan 2025                                           Male 21 Jan 2025